The Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ) is the flagship journal of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the top-ranked journal in statistics education research. In its 20th year of publication, with manuscript submissions at a historic high number, the journal has moved to an automated Open Journal System (OJS) for submission and publication. In addition, the journal is modernizing and will provide DOIs for all future and previously published articles. In this session, the Journal Editors and Editorial Board will report on the activities associated with SERJ. There will be a brief discussion of the history, vision, and goals of the journal as well as the types of papers that are sought for both the Regular (twice a year) and Special (once a year) Editions of the journal. Associate Editors will provide advice to prospective authors, from both the quantitative and qualitative research traditions, about key points of successful manuscript preparation. Time will be given for participants to ask questions and share their perspectives.