Moving Forward to Using the MASDER Team’s Instruments


Learn about the family of instruments created by the MASDER team (Motivational Attitudes toward Statistics and Data Science Education Research) to measure students’ attitudes toward statistics and data science (SDS), instructors’ attitudes toward teaching SDS, and the environment in which the two interact. The attitude instruments are based on educational theory and were developed using a rigorous process that included results from over 8,000 students across the United States at over 50 institutions over several years. The environment inventories can help researchers identify salient elements of the institution, course, classroom, pedagogy, and the teacher-student relationship. Instructors and researchers will be able to administer these instruments using a website created by the MASDER team. Through the website, instructors can access their data and will be able to create a summary report of their students’ results compared to a national sample. This project is an NSF-funded grant (DUE-2013392). This poster will give an overview of the project, the process to develop the surveys, the specific constructs that are measured by the student and instructor instrument, the specific elements measured by the environment inventory, and the website portal.

Jun 11, 2024 —
Virtual (eCOTS 2024)
Douglas Whitaker
Douglas Whitaker
Associate Professor of Statistics
